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  • Choosing the Right Camera

    Choosing the Right Camera

    There are many options to consider when choosing a CCD camera, but usually there are a couple majors factors which can make the decision easier. Admittedly cost is one of the most important factors, but there can be a variety...

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  • Planetary Imaging Equipment

    Planetary Imaging Equipment

    Webcams Currently, the best planetary images are being taken with webcams. The techniques that these inexpensive cameras allow make the capable of achieving better planetary images than even the most expensive CCD cameras. For details on using these cameras, visit...

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  • Equivalent Exposure Calculator

    Equivalent Exposure Calculator

    Have you ever visited a website with an impressive CCD image and wondered what it would take to get that picture with your equipment? This calculator will give you the necessary exposure time with a given CCD and telescope needed...

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  • Ideal Exposure Calculator

    Ideal Exposure Calculator

    This calculator allows you to determine the ideal exposure time for subframes that will be stacked. It requires that you take a test exposure using your CCD imaging setup and measure the background sky value. Please refer to the CCD...

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  • Imaging Accessories

    Imaging Accessories

    Below are the most common accessories used by beginning CCD imagers to make life under the stars a little easier. Dew Shields and Heaters Moisture forming on the front lens of a Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope can easily ruin a CCD imaging...

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  • Aligning a Celestron NexStar SE Series

    Aligning a Celestron NexStar SE Series

    Note: To select items from a list on the NexStar SE hand controller, use the UP and DOWN buttons (6 and 9) on the right side of the hand controller. Aligning the Telescope 1. Press ENTER to begin the alignment...

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  • Observing Theory

    Observing Theory

    Light Grasp of a Telescope The primary function of a telescope is to gather light and funnel it into the observer's eye. The larger the telescope, the greater the amount of light captured. Light gathering ability is a function of...

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  • Glossary

    Astronomy Glossary 
 The following list gives definitions for many of the terms used in this website and throughout any other astronomical literature you may read. Definitions are listed in alphabetical order and many are linked from other pages so...

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  • Finding Objects

    Finding Objects

    The Best Way to Begin There is no better way to start learning the stars than with a planisphere. A planisphere is a flat, circular chart that can be set to any date and time. Once set, the charts shows...

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