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  • Best Beginner's Objects

    Best Beginner's Objects

    Listed below are some of the most impressive deep-sky objects for beginners to hunt down. These objects are relatively easy to find and will wow anyone looking through your telescope! The moon and planets are also great targets but are...

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  • Observing Tips

    Observing Tips

    Below are some basic techniques that experienced observers use all the time to enhance their viewing. Many beginners are disappointed that they cannot see some of the details described in books or by other advanced observers. All that is needed...

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  • Observing Theory

    Observing Theory

    Light Grasp of a Telescope The primary function of a telescope is to gather light and funnel it into the observer's eye. The larger the telescope, the greater the amount of light captured. Light gathering ability is a function of...

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  • Finding Objects

    Finding Objects

    The Best Way to Begin There is no better way to start learning the stars than with a planisphere. A planisphere is a flat, circular chart that can be set to any date and time. Once set, the charts shows...

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