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Aligning a Celestron CPC

Aligning a Celestron CPC

Note: To select items from a list on the CPC hand controller, use the UP and DOWN buttons (6 and 9) on the right side of the hand controller.

First Steps

The telescope can be in any orientation to start the alignment. Be sure to lock the clutch knob in each axis before beginning.

Aligning the Telescope

Tip: When selecting stars to align the telescope, choose three that are widely spaced across the sky and preferably not directly overhead.

1. Press ENTER to begin alignment

2. Press ENTER to select SkyAlign

3. Wait a few minutes for the GPS receiver to link up and determine time, date, and location. The screen will automatically change to the next step when the GPS has linked.

4. The screen will read "Use the following screens...". Press ENTER to continue.

5. Use the arrow keys on the hand controller to move the telescope to point to a bright star or planet. Center the star in the finderscope. PressENTER.

6. Use the arrow keys on the hand controller to center the star in the eyepiece. Press ALIGN.

7. Use the arrow keys on the hand controller to move the telescope to point a second bright star. Center the star in the finderscope. PressENTER.

8. Use the arrow keys on the hand controller to center the star in the eyepiece. Press ALIGN.

9. Use the arrow keys on the hand controller to move the telescope to point a third bright star. Center the star in the finderscope. Press ENTER.

10. Use the arrow keys on the hand controller to center the star in the eyepiece. Press ALIGN.

11. Allow a minute for the telescope to determine which objects you pointed to.

12. The hand controller should read "Match Confirmed." Press ENTER to finish alignment.

Hand controller should read "Align Success" then "CPC Ready." The telescope is now aligned.

Selecting Objects from the Catalog

To select a deep-sky object, press either the Messier (1), Caldwell (2), or NGC (4) button on the hand controller to choose the desired catalog. Enter the number of the object in the catalog. Messier and Caldwell objects require 3 digits, NGC objects require 4 digits. To select M13, for example, you must enter 013; for NGC253, you must enter 0253.

Press ENTER and the telescope will slew to the selected object. Press UNDO to select a new object.

To select a solar system object, press PLANET (5). Use the UP (6) and DOWN (9) buttons to scroll through the list of available planets (the telescope will only list those planets above the horizon).

Press ENTER and the telescope will slew to the selected planet. Press UNDO to select a new object.

To select a double star, variable star, or other type of object, press LIST (8). Use the UP (6) and DOWN (9) buttons to scroll through the list of catalogs. Press ENTER to select a Catalog. Use the UP and DOWN buttons to scroll through the list within a catalog.

Press ENTER and the telescope will slew to the selected object. Press UNDO to select a new object. Press UNDO again to return to the main menu.

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